Indian Buddhist Retreat
Date-18-22nd June 2017
Conducted in Hindi
Subject-:Eight Verses of Mind Training by Geshe Langri Tangpa
Led by Ven. Choegon Rinpoche, Ajeer Vidya and Raji Ramanan
Date-18-22nd June 2017
Conducted in Hindi
Subject-:Eight Verses of Mind Training by Geshe Langri Tangpa
Led by Ven. Choegon Rinpoche, Ajeer Vidya and Raji Ramanan
This event is being organize by YBS India for promoting lay sangha to become generous towards ordain sangha by donating the things which are useful for monks and nuns. Along with Indian sangha some our dhamma friends from foreign will also join. is anyone want to participate please contact us.
With much metta
11-18th February 2016
Venue-YBS Center, Sankisa, Uttar Pradesh
There are many Buddhist monks around Sankissa. Mostly all are belongs to Shakya clan. Without any proper training & guidance old age people get ordination by self. Even they do not having any qualified Bhikhu to give them proper Youth Buddhist Society of India (YBS India) started to provide proper training to monks with highly qualified monk sangha from Thailand. ven. Maitree Thero is our main instructor for the training happens every year.
Dear Dhamma friends
we are happy to announce that we YBS will organize regular Meditation and Dhamma Classes every 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month at YBS center,Sankisa. All are welcome to join it.
Dr.Ven. Upanad Thero, The secretary of YBS. He ordained in year 1991 in Shravasti (where Buddha spent his 25 rainy seasons) by Venerable Pragyanand Maha Thero in Srilankan Theravada tradition.
He had been to Britain twice, for the purpose of giving Dharma teaching.
He has been working with Youth Buddhist Society as Dharma resource person since many years. He completed his Ph.D from Lucknow in Rise and growth of Buddhism in United Province-1858-1947. Now he is Assistant Professor at International Research Institute of Buddhist Studies at Lucknow
8th Indian Buddhist Retreat (conducted in Hindi)
24-29th May 2015
Venue- Deer Park Institute,Bir,Himachal Pradesh
led by- Prof.Samdhong Rinpoche, Ven,Choegon Rinpoche,Ven.Sumati, Ajir Vidhya and Smt.Raji Ramnan
Dear Dhamma brothers and sisters,
YBS India is happy to announce that His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s visit was unforgettable at Sankissa, Uttar Pradesh. He gave two days teachings on request of YBS India, from 31st January till-1 February 2015. His Holiness gave teachings on Dhammapada . Around 60000 people attained the teachings and everyone was so happy to listen him at Sankisa. YBS wants to thanks all supporters for organizing the event successful