Teaching by H.E.Mingyur Rinpoche
Date-11-12 February 2020 Venues- YBS India Center,Sankisa, Mainpuri,U.P. -Town Area campus Khaga,G.T,Road,Fatehpur,U.P. Dear Dhamma Brothers and Sisters,His Eminence Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche …
Date-11-12 February 2020 Venues- YBS India Center,Sankisa, Mainpuri,U.P. -Town Area campus Khaga,G.T,Road,Fatehpur,U.P. Dear Dhamma Brothers and Sisters,His Eminence Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche …
His Holiness will give a three-day teaching on Śāntideva’s Bodhicaryāvatāra (A Guide to the Bodhisattva’s Way of Life). The teaching will be organized at …
Date-18-22nd June 2017 Conducted in Hindi Subject-:Eight Verses of Mind Training by Geshe Langri Tangpa Led by Ven. Choegon Rinpoche, Ajeer Vidya and Raji …
This event is being organize by YBS India for promoting lay sangha to become generous towards ordain sangha by donating the things which are …
11-18th February 2016 Venue-YBS Center, Sankisa, Uttar Pradesh There are many Buddhist monks around Sankissa. Mostly all are belongs to Shakya clan. Without any …
Dear Dhamma friends Namobuddhaya we are happy to announce that we YBS will organize regular Meditation and Dhamma Classes every 1st and 3rd Sunday …
8th Indian Buddhist Retreat (conducted in Hindi) 24-29th May 2015 Venue- Deer Park Institute,Bir,Himachal Pradesh led by- Prof.Samdhong Rinpoche, Ven,Choegon Rinpoche,Ven.Sumati, Ajir Vidhya and …
Dear Dhamma brothers and sisters, YBS India is happy to announce that His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s visit was unforgettable at Sankissa, Uttar Pradesh. …