Spiritual Activities mainly intended to achieve happier life, dedicated to giving a “spiritual mind” to come into sight by different kinds of natural process, so it will move rapidly by meditation, camping, pilgrimage, and periodically spiritual gathering; soon afterward we intend to develop knowledge and experience to think about social problems and the method to solve it.
These activities cover a large area located within our centers, we didn’t mark any differences within the gender or caste system on account of everyone are equal in spiritual development.
The natural process of changing and transformation starts with learning and practice. Since we are connected closely with Buddhism, that is why we start from the very Basic of Buddhism, life principles according to Buddha’s advice, then the awareness of spiritual life will awaken slowly.
Buddhist monks and layperson are invited to give teaching. we adopted the non-sectarian movement, we welcome all sect of Buddhism to share their precious wisdom about Buddha’s teaching.

We are very lucky to invite twice the great Buddhist Master His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama at YBS India center. During his first visit in the year 2015, he gave three days teachings on Dhammapada and during his second visit in the year 2018, he taught Bodhichariyavtar text. Each time more than 80000 people attained the teachings.

Prof.Samdhong Rinpoche is great and renounce scholar among Tibetan and Indian. We are very lucky to get his teachings in several places since 2005.

Geshe Dorjee Damdul, the director of Tibet House Delhi came twice to give teachings in several villages around Sankisa.

Meditation is the most important for all kind of person, whether they are Buddhist or non-Buddhist. YBS organizes some basic and intensive meditation camps which are beneficial for the community. In this picture, kids are practicing meditation at YBS India Center School, Sankisa, Mainpuri, Utter Pradesh – India.