Education Activities impart a gradual process of acquiring knowledge and skills by learning, education gives a very significant value to human beings, that is why we started several schools in the rural area.
The question is “Why in a rural area?” Because of the society from most of the rural area having difficulties on sending their children to school due to many conditions that almost beyond one’s ability, such as lack of fee and stationary and also the misunderstanding that it is unnecessary to send children to the school.
Children are being forced to begging, collecting papers, polythene, and so on because of their inheritance, this will put an end to the children the greatest potential in the future, hence we provide alternative education, start from the most simple school under the tree and shade, whatever earnest method to educated our next generation.

In the middle row, second from left: The Instructor; Jun from Indonesia; Ven. Hong In Sunim from South Korea.Ven. Upanand from India; Suresh the YBS’s President,Kailash Chandra Bauddha and Rakesh the Vocational Course Coordinator.

Girls were making handicraft items clothes at the Sewing Center.